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The Most Socially Inept Texts From Parents

October 22, 2024
The Most Socially Inept Texts From Parents
The Most Socially Inept Texts From Parents

It’s fair to say that brides and grooms worldwide have different styles, tastes, and distinct ideas of what their wedding photos should look like.

While some people prefer a nice, tasteful approach to their wedding photos others like to think outside of the box and do something that nobody has ever seen before.

We're not saying we don't love creativity - we do! But we think that the people on this list should've checked with friends and family before charging ahead with these photos.

Get ready for some of the strangest, most inappropriate, and hilarious wedding photos on the internet! So scroll down to have a good laugh!

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Their Love For Watermelon In One Picture

Their Love For Watermelon In One Picture

We're definitely starting strong with this one. This couple thought it would be a great idea to feature some yummy watermelons in some of their wedding pictures, as a way of showing the groom's love for a juicy watermelon.

The way the bride positioned her watermelon shows us just how inappropriate the meaning is behind the photo.

The (Not So) Perfect Family Portrait

The (Not So) Perfect Family Portrait

Now, we're not sure if this family portrait is showing how this family actually is, or whether they hoped to share a picture of how they wish they were.Either way, the entire thing is just incredibly awkward, with the mom laying on the floor with a few bottles of alcohol, and everyone else standing weirdly in the background while posing for the photo.

Didn't Mom Tell You Not To Play With Your Food?

Didn't Mom Tell You Not To Play With Your Food?

We've all probably heard of the custom some brides and grooms have of releasing doves on their wedding day.

The only thing that sets that concept apart from this picture, is the fact that this bride and groom are "releasing" dead doves, or whatever the poor bird was.

We have no idea why they thought this would be a great idea, but hey, at least it's an original photo.

For All The Bread Lovers In The World

For All The Bread Lovers In The World

We have no idea what's happening in this picture. The bride is obviously showing control, but she might also be interpreting the saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" a little bit too literally.

The picture was clearly photoshopped, but both the bride and the groom really put some emotions into the overall feeling of the photo.

Is It Time To Go Home Yet?

Is It Time To Go Home Yet?

This bride certainly seems to be "thrilled" about the wonderful wedding party her family threw. We have no idea who the guy playing the instrument is, but we doubt that he is the groom.

Since everything is all over the place, the party seems to have happened already, and all guests have gone home. We do hope that things look a bit brighter in her marriage at least.

When You Want A Pirate Themed Wedding But The Budget Is Not Enough For Some Gold Teeth

When You Want A Pirate-Themed Wedding But The Budget Is Not Enough For Some Gold Teeth

This wedding photo takes us back to a different decade when awkward photos such as this one were basically a sport. The couple is eagerly pictured here biting their wedding bands, but depending on the angle, it may look like they are missing a tooth or two.

Overall, the concept may have come with good intentions, but it simply didn't work.

Her Love Was Found At The Bottom Of This Bottle

Her Love Was Found At The Bottom Of This Bottle

There is absolutely no doubt in this world that some people really use their creativity to take the most original wedding photos ever. This couple went all the way to create a photoshopped situation of the groom in the form of a genie, while his bride holds the bottle he is coming out of.

None of them look thrilled about it though which makes it all the more awkward.

An Awkward Bathtub Moment

An Awkward Bathtub Moment

There is no way that every single person in this photo, including all bridesmaids, thought it would be a good idea to pose inside of the bathtub together.While they all seem to be happy and comfortable with this awkward photo, it's dumbfounding how many women actually managed to fit in the bathtub and accepted to pose for such a weird picture.

When You Want To Be The "Centaur Of Attention"

When You Want To Be The "Centaur Of Attention"

These two lovebirds are probably fond of the concept of being a centaur, so their wedding day was the perfect occasion to make that dream come true.Instead of taking a few cheesy and romantic photos on the beach, they preferred to add some spice to their pictures by photoshopping the image of a horse onto their bodies. At least they were true to themselves.

Keeping The Magic Alive

Keeping The Magic Alive

The honest truth is that unless one is aware of the wedding traditions and customs of a specific place, then it's impossible to know what the bride and groom in this picture had in mind.

The groom is sitting on his happy bride, while he seems to pull her hair as they both stare into the camera. All we can say is that the entire edit is awkward and it makes us uncomfortable.

Challenging Gender Roles In The Most Awkward Way

Challenging Gender Roles In The Most Awkward Way

Traditional gender roles exist in all societies, and while some people willingly (and often unwillingly) conform to them, others prefer to challenge social-cultural ideas of how a woman, a man, or anyone else should behave.

This bride and groom and their respective best man and maid of honor surely fall under the second group, as they seem to have "exchanged" roles for the day.

4 Or 5 Cocktails Later...

4 Or 5 Cocktails Later...

Imagine getting to that time of the evening when the bride and groom finally get the chance to have their first dance and the bride takes over. It seems like this bride had been waiting for this moment her whole life, and when the time came, she was just like "I got this honey!".

She went there and started breakdancing to the point that everyone in the party completely lost their minds.

Talk About A Magic Carpet Ride

Talk About A Magic Carpet Ride

Nothing like having family members and friends who sign up for anything! These two lovebirds wanted to keep their tradition alive in their wedding photo, no matter how awkward it may have looked.

So their friends and family volunteered to make things as culturally familiar as possible, and ended up with this wonderfully awkward photo with a carpet in the background.

The Bride And Groom Are Now One

The Bride And Groom Are Now One

It's quite hard to understand from this picture if the bride is laughing ecstatically or crying, which makes it difficult to know if she is indeed happy with their choice of a wedding picture.

Somehow, the groom managed to hide in there and to make it seem like his legs are a part of his future wife's body, and the entire setup couldn't make us cringe more. Hopefully, they'll live happily ever after.

Fellas, Is This A Metaphor For How Marriage Is?

Fellas, Is This A Metaphor For How Marriage Is?

This picture is so many things, but romantic is definitely not one of them. In fact, the expression on the groom's face is so sad that it's even painful to look at it.We're sure it's just a joke, but how on earth did they think that the bride pointing a ball towards the groom's private parts was a good idea? Just imagine if she decided to actually do it!

Terrifying... Creepy... We Don't Have Enough Words For This

Terrifying... Creepy... We Don't Have Enough Words For This

Everything in this picture is just wrong. The couple might have felt like they wanted to make it seem like their wedding was actually an action movie, but come on! Holding huge riffles, with mock blood and a bunch of family members playing dead in the background?

Nah man, this couple failed at their wedding photo and we're not sure whether we should laugh or cry about it.

Keeping The Bride Close

Keeping The Bride Close

Now that's a way of keeping your bride as close as possible. Another photoshopped wonder of a couple who really believed that placing the bride inside the groom's pocket would be a successful idea for a wedding photo.

They both look incredibly happy about their decision, with the bride smiling up towards her future hubbie.

A Wedding Version Of Rapunzel

A Wedding Version Of Rapunzel

Ah, fairytales. Some people love them and their wedding day may seem like the perfect day to make some of those dreams a reality. This couple probably loves old fairytale movies, where the prince does everything in his power to save the "poor princess."

So this couple really invested in the entire thing and created this memorable photo for the rest of their lives.

Reproducing The Painting On The Background

Reproducing The Painting On The Background

This couple sure is having fun on their wedding picture, so at least there's that! Somehow, they managed to recreate the painting of an elephant holding a watermelon in the background, and we have to say they did a pretty impeccable job.

Not that the groom's head looks like a melon, but they managed to mimic the feel of it pretty well.

Is That Why They Call It A "Shotgun" Wedding?

Is That Why They Call It A "Shotgun" Wedding?

This bride and groom had a bit of a different idea of how they wanted their photos to look. They really wanted to pretend like someone was taking both of them in the trunk while this little girl either screamed for help or actually helped whoever was "kidnapping them."

What's the logic behind it, you might ask? We have no idea.

Finish Him!

Finish Him!

This couple is either a big fan of Mortal Kombat, or they just wanted to have a bit of fun during their wedding photoshoot. In this photo, the bride does a cool move, similar to that moment we would hear "finish him" in the actual game.

Good for them for managing to add some action to the relationship, they seem to be off to a great start in life.

We Should Not Be Seeing This

We Should Not Be Seeing This

No, just no! What are they even doing? Is it an inappropriate thing, is it some sort of resemblance to giving birth, what exactly did they have in mind when they thought that a picture like this would be acceptable?

It's so awkward that as viewers, we might even feel like we shouldn't be looking at it. At least the scenery is beautiful.

On The Way To Catch Her Man

On The Way To Catch Her Man

We can imagine what she is trying to tell us here. She seems to be in the animal kingdom, slowly looking for her next prey.Since it's a wedding photo, we're guessing that her prey has already been caught, and she is emphasizing how much she rocked at catching her man. What we do wonder is what the thing in her mouth is for?

Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Now, this may be the literal portrayal of what showering someone with roses may look like. The groom seems to be (not eagerly) throwing a bunch of petals to his bride, while she willingly sits on the grass.

Once again, neither the bride nor the groom seems to be happy about it, but at least they managed to create the scene they probably hoped for.

When Your Photo Editing Skills Need Some Work

When Your Photo Editing Skills Need Some Work

This bride seems to have an engine behind her, allowing her to move through the water and in the air in this wedding photo. While she does seem to be happy about it, we do wonder if the groom also gets to have these supernatural abilities.

One thing's for sure, she managed to have a very unique photo on her wedding day.

For Everyone In Town To Know

For Everyone In Town To Know

As strange as it may be, a bride and a groom putting their wedding photo in a banner or poster in different spots in town might be more common than we thought. The happy couple wanted to share their happiness with the entire city, so they weren't shy at all!

Their family managed to spread their wonderful photo in several prominent locations so that everyone would know that they tied the knot.

That Is Either A Giant Swan Or A Tiny Couple

That Is Either A Giant Swan Or A Tiny Couple

In many cultures, a swan represents majestic moments and happiness. This couple really wanted to emphasize that on their wedding photo, so they chose to get some help from a giant swan.

They asked their photographer to photoshop the newlyweds on a magical swan while giving their very first kiss after getting married.

Celebrating Early

Celebrating Early

Most couples wait for the end of the night to consummate things, but this couple was ready to tell the entire world that things were about to get down. The only thing is that their choice made for an incredibly awkward sight for anyone around, and for the most embarrassing photo ever.

Either way, they will certainly have a memorable wedding photo to laugh about.

The Strongest Groom

The Strongest Groom

We can probably guess that the idea to create a photo like this one was probably the groom's idea, and not the bride's. He was likely hoping to feel pretty "masculine" and strong on his wedding day, so he could show off.

The entire photoshop situation of him carrying the car with his bride inside seems to be a bit much though.

How Everything Looks Like After Some Vodkas

How Everything Looks Like After Some Vodkas

We all know how much some people love drinking during a wedding. It is free booze for all after all! And while we're not sure this is exactly how people feel or see after having a drink or two, the effect this photographer put on the photo certainly resembles that tipsy feeling.

We only hope that they didn't decide to use this effect in all photos.

Who Is The Star Of The Day?

Who Is The Star Of The Day?

Here's a not-so-subtle way of showing who the star of the day is! The bride probably wanted to make sure that everyone was aware that the day was hers (and the groom's too we suppose), and not anyone else's.

So the entire crew gathered around her, and each male member of her family grabbed a tip of her dress while the photographer did the rest of the work.

The Best Shot Of All

The Best Shot Of All

This wedding photo really makes us wonder if this was really the best they could do. Usually, the wedding photographer takes tons of photos and selects the best ones, so how come this awkward photo passed?

The bride seems to be really uncomfortable while she takes something that we can't pinpoint, and her bridesmaid is eagerly trying to help her.

On His Way To Rescue His Woman!

On His Way To Rescue His Woman!

Alright, so using special effects in a wedding photo is weird, that's first! Second, if you must have some effects here and there, then at least make sure that whoever is creating them knows what they're doing!

Clearly, someone really messed up with this one because it is almost impossible to even look at the picture while taking it seriously.

What Exactly Is Happening Here?

What Exactly Is Happening Here?

Speaking of special effects, what on earth is happening in this picture? We understand that there are effects and maybe some photoshop in there, but the job couldn't have been done more poorly than this.

The bride and groom appear in a barrel, and then next to each other, and then walking towards one another... It is simply impossible to understand what is happening there.

Playing His Favorite Song

Playing His Favorite Song

Just when we thought it couldn't get weirder we see this photo! While this one is also a little hard to understand, we get the concept. The groom is playing the violin, only the violin is not the actual instrument, it's the bride.

Our biggest question is, did they come up with this idea or was this imposed on them? Because it's hard to understand how someone in their right mind would choose this as a wedding photo.

Just A Normal Wedding Picture

Just A Normal Wedding Picture

It's safe to say that this bride chose to move away from the conventional white bridal dress, and decided to wear something a little bit "spicier."The good thing is that she not only seems to be rocking it and loving it, which is the most important thing, but her hubby-to-be also seems to be enjoying what he sees. Good for them!

A Dreamworks Type Of Photo

A Dreamworks Type Of Photo

At first glance, it looks like the guy responsible for the Dreamworks opening got married and decided to add some of his lovely talents to the wedding photos with his future wife.The dreamy edit makes it look like the bride and groom are floating on the moon, while everything else around them is peaceful. The awkward wedding photo is weirdly calming.

Tiny Dad Is Walking Her Down The Aisle

Tiny Dad Is Walking Her Down The Aisle

Here is another picture that is simply impossible to understand. Did she choose this effect because her dad is tiny? Or perhaps because she is leaving home and her dad will be away for longer periods of time?

There just seems to be no explanation possible as to why someone would choose to have their dad edited this way on their wedding picture.

A Centaur Bride And A Pack Of Fun

A Centaur Bride And A Pack Of Fun

One thing this picture has - happiness and the reality that everyone on this picture is having fun. What is really weird though is the fact that the bride looks like a happy centaur since someone is hiding under her dress somehow, while everyone else is trying to get on the train behind her.

Is there any logic to it all though? We will never know.

Witnessing True Love

Witnessing True Love

In spite of having the option of almost any other possible spot in this town, this couple really decided to take their wedding photo on a bridge right next to a homeless man. The positive thing is that the man actually seems to be pretty happy about it and not bothered for a second.

The couple also looks romantically ecstatic, with both of them managing to strike a pose at the right moment.

The Cannonball Of Love

The Cannonball Of Love

If you've made it this far, you might even start thinking that this picture is fairly cute. The cannonball shooting tons of hearts and lots of love, while the groom lovingly falls on the floor is cheesy, but cute.

Both the bride and the groom nailed their facial expressions and will probably remember the photoshoot as a fun a romantic moment to remember.

Two Cabbage Patch Kids For The Win

Two Cabbage Patch Kids For The Win

There is no sound explanation as to why this bride would choose to have two cabbage patch kids photoshopped to her hand, but let's just go with the flow.In this wonderful picture, the groom is pretending to be completely shocked with the fact that now that they are married, kids are coming, and they are coming soon. The way they chose to portray it was pretty weird though.

Husband On The News

Husband On The News

By the cute look on this bride's face, she is pretty happy with the creative way she and her future husband decided to portray their love in this wedding photo.While there is no explanation for the pink bunny the groom is holding as he appears to be on TV, the couple is probably onto something that no one else around them can understand.

Showing Her The World

Showing Her The World

This groom really wanted to make his bride feel special on her wedding day, and he especially wanted to show her the entire world.So instead of showing her the actual world, he took a little shortcut and just asked the photographer to put some balloons, make it seem like they were flying across the Atlantic and that was it!

When You Need Some Action On Your Wedding

When You Need Some Action On Your Wedding

For some people, taking regular wedding photos is simply not enough. They feel that some action is necessary to make things more interesting, even if that means photoshopping a giant shark jumping out of the water and trying to attack the bride and the groom.

Meanwhile, the newlyweds are running for their lives as fast as they can while holding hands.

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