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Celebrity Secrets That Defy The Effects Of Time

July 27, 2024
Aging Celebrities Whose Beach Bodies Defy Time

They say that beauty fades as you grow older, but that's a load of bologna. While sometimes it is in our genetics, we have a certain amount of control over our bodies as we age. True, it’s definitely harder to get that sculpted look, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Some celebrities are shattering that stereotype by working hard and getting the body most of us can only dream about.<

These women are showing that with hard work, you can age just like a fine wine and only get better with time! Granted, most of them do have personal trainers, but it seems like their secrets aren’t so secret after all. They were nice enough to explain what they eat and their exercise routine so maybe we can get that amazing beach body we always wanted.

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Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara 1

Sofia Vergara (47) has multiple trainers that keep her body fit and healthy. She works out five times a week for an hour or more. Another one of Vergara's trainers solely work on her glutes - lots of squats and lateral raises. Her workout routine isn't for the faint of heart, but it does provide results.

Vergara may look like she doesn't eat anything unhealthy, but she's known to have an especially strong sweet tooth. While she says she eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, she also eats desserts during the weekend. The one thing she does stay away from is salt because she states it makes her eyes look puffy the following day.

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