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Cringeworthy Fan Photos

July 26, 2024
They say you should never meet your idols
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This Fellow And Avril Lavigne

This Fellow And Avril Lavigne
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They say you should never meet your idols. Here's all the evidence you need for why that's good advice.

Avril Lavigne is widely considered the queen of awkward meet-and-greet pics. She has a strict "no touching, stand over there" policy to keep at bay an armada of fans who paid $360 to meet the dubiously talented pop star. So punk rock!

Avril Lavigne - Personal Information
  • Name: Avril Lavigne
  • Gender: female
  • Age: 37
  • Height: 5'1" (1.55m)
  • Birthday: September 27th, 1984
  • Net worth: $60,000,000
  • Nationality: ca
  • Occupation: Singer Songwriter, Fashion Designer, Model, Actor, Guitarist, Musician, Record Producer, Artist, Music Artist
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