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Unbelievable Facts About Donald Trumps Life

July 26, 2024

Since entering the White House in 2017, Donald Trump has committed a series of embarrassing blunders.

The president, like George W. Bush before him, has developed a reputation for dropping clangers while delivering speeches and addressing the media.

Here, we bring you some of Donald Trump’s most embarrassing gaffes of all time.

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1. Donald Trump Was Sent To Military School For Bad Behavior In His Teen Years.

1. Donald Trump was sent to Military School for Bad Behavior in his teen years.
1. Donald Trump was sent to Military School for Bad Behavior in his teen years.

Trump has frequently boasted that he was a stellar student, but he declined throughout the 2016 campaign to release any of his academic records.Trump spent five years at NYMA, starting in fall 1959, after his father - having concluded that his son, then in seventh grade, needed a more discipline-focused setting - removed him from his Queens private school and sent him upstate to NYMA.

"[John McCain is]... not a war hero. He's a war hero - he's a war hero 'cause he was captured. I Like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you."

Iowa Family Leadership Summit, 18/7/15
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