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Hilariously Awkward Wedding Photos That Will Make You Cringe

July 26, 2024
The Most Socially Inept Texts From Parents

It’s fair to say that brides and grooms worldwide have different styles, tastes, and distinct ideas of what their wedding photos should look like.

While some people prefer a nice, tasteful approach to their wedding photos others like to think outside of the box and do something that nobody has ever seen before.

We're not saying we don't love creativity - we do! But we think that the people on this list should've checked with friends and family before charging ahead with these photos.

Get ready for some of the strangest, most inappropriate, and hilarious wedding photos on the internet! So scroll down to have a good laugh!

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Their Love For Watermelon In One Picture

Their Love For Watermelon In One Picture

We're definitely starting strong with this one. This couple thought it would be a great idea to feature some yummy watermelons in some of their wedding pictures, as a way of showing the groom's love for a juicy watermelon.

The way the bride positioned her watermelon shows us just how inappropriate the meaning is behind the photo.

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