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These People Should Probably Stay Single

July 27, 2024

Romantic love is something most people strike for. We all want that soulmate, the perfect puzzle piece that will complete us.

In reality we have to learn to work on ourselves before committing to another person. Love and romance aren’t going to solve all your problems, and starting something new without knowing how to handle your baggage is a recipe for disaster.Sometimes it’s better to stay single…especially if you’re anything like these people. From a nasty jealous streak to complete possessiveness over another person, these individuals need some serious help. They need to delete the dating apps and stay single until they can get a grip!Take a look at these walking red flags, you’ll know who to avoid in the future.

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We Can’t Read Your Mind

We Can’t Read Your Mind 2
reddit by u/Kreptyne

One of the most frustrating things every relationship struggles with is the lack of communication. We tend to keep things to ourselves in fear of rejection which results in misunderstanding and unnecessary arguments. On the other hand, some people deliberately choose not to share their feelings, assuming that the other side will be able to read their mind. We've all been in this situation. We ask our partners if they want something to eat, and they say no so we get food only for ourselves. Best case scenario they “steal” some of our food which is ok, sharing is caring. What's not ok is making a fuss over it just like this girl did.

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